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Ahad, 6 Februari 2011

Petikan Gitar Chinta

hurm...i just wanna share something with all of u...i don't no la how tu say...i always easy falling in love to sameone who cant play gitar....seriously..not becoz he can pla it to me..but..i found it that they have a special felling...their r so romantic..someone who alway thinking someting deeeply... their mind have a melody...they can creat someting yg amaizing...

syok nye klu dia main kn lagu yg kte suke tiap2 mlm sblum tdo..hhahaha..alangkh indhnye hati n hidup ini...
penah x korg dpt boyprend yg cm tuh...mst best kn...
tp aku dpt smue nye x kkal...just main2 jew...

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